

In a sample of 77 clients seen for assessment or therapy:

When asked if Dr Hunter was kind and caring:

96% endorsed ‘Yes, definitely

4% said ‘Yes, to some extent’

0% reported ‘not really’ or definitely not

When asked if they would recommend this service to their friends or family if they needed similar help:

68% said they would be ‘extremely likely’

26% said they would be ‘likely’ to recommend the service

6% endorsed either neither or don’t know

0% said they were either unlikely or extremely unlikely to recommend the service

What Clients Have Said


“The thoroughness and positivity of the assessment which resulted in some momentary clarity from DP on occasions afterwards, the first time in about 30 years!”

“Getting a diagnosis from a specialist who has success in treating DP/DR was comforting and a boost to my hopes and confidence”

“Someone who finally understood what I was up against!”

“Completely different to anything to date. Very welcoming and personable. Very knowledgeable”

“The service has been extremely helpful. Very competent. I had the feeling I could ask any question. Safe place”

“Approachable. Easy to talk to. Made me feel comfortable. Knowledgeable”


“I have found out so much more about my condition and it has really helped to know this. It has been really great to speak to someone who is knowledgeable about a little understood syndrome”

“Compassionate service with highly specialized clinicians that are aware of the specific symptoms and management that is not available elsewhere”

“Its important to be seen by someone with intimate knowledge and experience in dealing with a condition that makes you feel isolated, helpless and alone. You need someone who understands and has seen people recover”

“Dr Hunter has been excellent in helping me to understand my condition more than I have ever done and what may be causing it to continue. She has given me hope for the future”

“I will be forever grateful to Dr Hunter . I can say the therapies have been a turning point in my life. I feel I can now go forward with confidence”
