Talking Therapies


Talking Therapies

I offer a range of talking therapies that have been specifically tailored for Depersonalisation-Derealisation Disorder. These include:

  • CBT looks at identifying current patterns of thoughts and behaviours that might have caused or maintain your depersonalisation symptoms
  • CBT has been shown to be highly effective in treating a range of mental health problems making it the most widely used therapy approach in the NHS
  • Two studies of CBT specifically adapted for DDD published in 2005 and 2023 found a statistically significant reduction in severity of DDD symptoms
  • I am currently the Chief Investigator on a National Institute of Health Research funded grant which is evaluating the feasibility of training NHS clinicians to deliver CBT for DDD in routine NHS services

Schema Therapy aims to change underlying long-term schemas that may have developed due to difficult or adverse experiences in childhood and adolescence and which result in unhelpful emotions and behaviour patterns

Trauma-focused CBT or Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is for clients who have had past trauma and have current symptoms related to this

Mindfulness approaches bring a greater sense of being in the present moment and help develop acceptance skills, both of which are valuable in overcoming DDD

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